NegaDuck kirjoitti:Pelifanien riemuksi(?), Max Payne -leffa tosiaankin on tulossa. Päähenkilön osassa hieman yllättävästi ysäriräppäri Mark "Marky Mark" Wahlberg.
Jossain Star Trek leffassahan oli läpinäkyvä/lasinen alumiini jossain sivuroolissa (joku varmaan osoittaa nörttiytensä, muistamalla mikä leffa on kyseessä ja mihin sitä lasista alumiinia tarvittiin )
Kohta sitä varmaan osataan jo ihan oikeastikin valmistaa??
It has been postulated for 50 years that icosohedral structures were behind the properties of glasses, but this is the first time the process has been confirmed in the lab.
"For a long time, no-one has really shown what the structure of glass is," Royall says, "but we have been able to show how the structure of a glass differs from that of a liquid."
Creating metals that that form icosahedra structures as they cool could create a new class of "metallic glass" materials, he adds.
ja syy mielenkiintoon 'lasiseen' metalliin on
Without the ordered crystal structures typical of metals, these materials might be more resistant to metal failure that can happen when layers of crystals shear away from one another. That would be useful in situations where metals are subject to high stresses, such as aeroplane wings.
Torsten Reil talks about how the study of biology can help make natural-looking animated people -- by building a human from the inside out, with bones, muscles and a nervous system. He spoke at TED in 2003; see his work now in GTA4.
NegaDuck kirjoitti:Yllättävästi peli vedettiin pois markkinoilta.
Voisitko referoida lyhyesti miksi? Jo ensimmäinen linkkisi jollekin random-keskustelupalstalle, jonka threadi sisältää 47 sivullista hubbabubbaa takaa sen ettei kukaan oikeasti jaksa lukea/perehtyä aiheeseen ihan sillä intesiteetillä kuin sinä olet perehtynyt.
Herra Manala kirjoitti:Voisitko referoida lyhyesti miksi?
Plagioinnin vuoksi. Peleissä kuuluisi tekijänoikeussyistä olla itsetehdyt grafiikat, mutta Limbo of the Lostin kaikki grafiikka on napsittu muista peleistä (mm. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Thief 2, Diablo II). Pelin julkaisija ei huomannut tätä ollenkaan.
This video shows something that very few people have had the opportunity to witness: the inside of the Lego factory, with no barriers or secrets. I filmed every step in the creation of the brick. From the raw granulate stored in massive silos to the molding machines to the gigantic storage cathedrals to the decoration and packaging warehouses, you will be able to see absolutely everything, including the most guarded secret of the company: the brick molds themselves.
Graeme Lloyd at the University of Bristol, UK, and his team studied all of the existing dinosaur taxonomic literature to produce a 'supertree' of dinosaur species. The new supertree, which includes 440 of the 600 known dinosaur species, shows that the dinosaurs evolved rapidly during their first 50 million years. By the Middle to Late Jurassic, a period famous for its giant dinosaurs including Diplodocus and Allosaurus, dinosaur evolution had slowed to a crawl.
harmi, ettei tuohon ole merkitty lajia, josta linnut kehittyivät ...