Sivu 2/2

Lähetetty: 17.10.2005 2:08
Kirjoittaja doctrine
Gattaca kirjoitti:Koodin saat toki lähettää minulle :D
pistän tähän ihan julkisesti :)

Koodi: Valitse kaikki

'                                 ~\\|//~
'                                 -(o o)-
'            |               !!!           ___                            '
'            |.===.       `  _ _  '       /\#/\          >X<              '
'            {}o o{}     -  (0 0)  -     /(o o)\        (o o)             '
'         ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-        '
'***********\        servervariables.asp  - 27.04.2003        /***********'
'************\      ©  Victor A. Lausas, Lausas Network      /************'
'*************\             /*************'
With Response
.Write "<table border=""2"" style=""border:1px solid black"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"">"  
For Each Thing In Request.ServerVariables 
	If Not Request.ServerVariables(Thing) = "" Then 
		.Write "<tr>"  
		.Write "<td width=""50%"" onMouseOver=""this.bgColor='#f0fff0'"" onMouseOut=""this.bgColor='#ffffff'"">Request.ServerVariables(""" & Thing & """)</td>" & vbCrLf  
		.Write "<td width=""50%"" onMouseOver=""this.bgColor='#f0fff0'"" onMouseOut=""this.bgColor='#ffffff'"">" & Request.ServerVariables(Thing) & "</td>" & vbCrLf 
		.Write "</tr>" 
	End If
.Write "</table>" 
.write "<h3>Tyhjät:</h3>"
.Write "<table border=""2"" style=""border:1px solid black"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""100%"">"  
For Each Thing In Request.ServerVariables 
	If Request.ServerVariables(Thing) = "" Then 
		.Write "<tr>"  
		.Write "<td width=""100%"" onMouseOver=""this.bgColor='#f0fff0'"" onMouseOut=""this.bgColor='#ffffff'"">Request.ServerVariables(""" & Thing & """)</td>" & vbCrLf 
		.Write "</tr>" 
	End If
.Write "</table>" 
End With 